If the Chandlers were your relatives, what would you do to get them out before Christmas?
Feel free to post your reply in the form of a comment to this article!
Tags: help paul chandler, how would you help, rachel chandler, save the chandlers, somali pirates
What I can’t understand is that we have all these MP and Celebrities earning fortunes, can’t a couple spare a little of THEIR millions to save Paul and Rachel.
They really must think that Britain is failing them. Its not fair x
Dear Gordon Brown
For the sake of humble pie admit for once that being bloody minded, simply wont work everytime. allow the ransom to be paid and then if you see fit, send in whoever you want to track the hostage takers down.
This way you will free The Chandlers and by following down a hunt for the ‘Pirates’, will send the message that you will not be bullied etc.
Its a solution to both problems and will save their lives!!
Kristina White has an excellent idea. There must be many celebrities out there who wouldn’t dent their bank balances much if they helped out. I am thinking of Sir Richard Branson particularly because he is British and may be prepared to help out fellow Brits.
The question is…will the request reach his ears as I am sure there is many people regularly asking him for money and he probably has p.r.o people dealing with them all. Worth a shot though
Ok, I have sent this email to Virgin’s charity company. You never know – it might just help
we have nothing to lose at this stage.
From: Topboss [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 1:31 AM
To: ‘[email protected]’
Subject: Rachel and Paul Sandler – British Hostages – PLEASE READ THIS – ITS ONLY A FEW LINES
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can this email somehow get to Sir Richard Branson.
This couple are about to be killed as we have been unable to raise enough money for their ransom and the British Government won’t help
I know he must get thousands of requests like this, but all I ask is that someone shows him this email so that he can look at their plight on the website:
Unfortunately Virgin did not help us. Please see their email below:
“Dear Heather
Thank you for your email to Virgin Unite, the independent charitable arm of the Virgin group of companies.
Our thoughts with the couple and their family and friends at this time, it really is such a horrible situation.
I’m afraid we are unable to offer our assistance as we are already committed to supporting a number of Projects and sadly we just don’t have the resources to be able to help.
We are sorry, we wish them the very best of luck.
Kind Regards
The Virgin Unite Team”
What I can’t understand is this: why hasn’t anyone sold their boat to raise money? If they sold their house to buy it the boat must be worth a small fortune. Is the boat damaged? Is it a matter of no one having power of attorney over their assets? Is it that they have no family or no one has thought of it? This couple must have assets. Why aren’t they being used to secure their release. With their lives on the line I hardly think the Chandlers would object …
I agree with all the above comments footballs earn thousands a week for kicking a ball all these celebrities ie katie price,peter andre have millions one week of their salary could make a huge difference but i suppose it shows their true colours and yet we are funding their success without us they wouldnt be where they are today xx
Tony, there is a sister boat listed on Yachtworld for about 55,000GBP. I would think that with everything of value stripped from s/v Lynn Rival, it would be worth less than half that. I’m sure the pirates didn’t weren’t too careful when they ripped the electronics, etc, off the boat – maybe even the engine as well. Most folks who sell their home to buy a boat usually put alot of that money into their cruising kitty to help fund their trip. Hope this explains it a little better.
I was wondering what happened to these folks as I have not read anything for months. The lack of interest from the media and more specifically celebrities and big companies once again shows me that white middle-aged folks cant expect much attention/help from fellow Europeans or Europeans governments in situations like this.
Enough of this governments limp -wristed approach to this kidnapping.Who is going to organise a mission to save these people.I know ex army and marines who would help.Anyone want in?
Tony, most of the items pilfered from the yacht most likely went to finance the pirates kidnap operations ie buying themselves food, khat (a locally chewed drug) vehicle gas, pay salaries etc etc. I myself do not rely on charities, but if I were to try one it might be Angelina Jolie, the UN Goodwill Ambassador to Africa. If the UN wont put up maybe Brad and Angela would?
Call the UN Directory at 001- (212) 963-1234 and ask how you may contact Ms Jolie. Lastly, there are high level officials in Puntland who know the locations and persons holding the Chandlers, it seems a more viable option than hope. If it were me I might contact Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah – Special Representative of the of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) Box48246-00100…Nairobi,Kenya…..Tel:(+254)207622131 and request intervention from the Puntland Security/Intelligence Services via President Farole and PIS Director Osman “Diana” Mohamud using his Diplomatic power. If it helps any I will be in Nairobi shortly and will be speaking with Abdallah by the end of the month, and would be happy to intervene for you. Mr Abdallah has the political weight to apply pressure on Farole to get the PIS and Puntland Security Forces to do their jobs in this disputed region.
Some of our additional contacts that may help you. Please do not post these if you wish to contact me. We conduct security business in Puntland and value the confidentiality of our sources. In other words, you did not get these contacts from me! We have no interest in any Fee or Reward, only the safe return of the Chandlers and since we are in Somalia we are glad to lend a hand.
Puntland – Minister of Information, Abdulhakim Guled, Tel (00)25290794315/(00)25290397794 email: [email protected]
Puntland – Son of Puntland President Farole, Mohammed Farole, Owns Garowe Online Media email: [email protected] Tel (00) 252 9061611
I’m surprised nobody seems to understand what a terrible mistake it would be to pay this or any other ransom. Whether it comes from the government, Richard Branson, or some other well-meaning celebrity, it would simply validate the actions of these pirates, and consequently endanger countless others.
I can’t begin to imagine the horrors that the Chandler’s have had to face, or the fate that may still befall them. But I’m proud that as a nation we’ve not pandered to these terrorists – we’ve not allowed their threats or blackmail to lead us down the dark path into subsidising the *next* atrocity these pirates decide to commit. Instead, the message to them has been clear – they’ve wasted their time – there’s no money in the kidnap of British nationals.
I’d ask those so keen to pay the ransom whether they’re really willing to take personal responsibility for what they’re funding.
Tim – Its very easy to stand on the sidelines and take the position that you would NOT pay for a ransom. As a matter of fact, I agree with some of what you state. It’s not a good idea for the ‘government’ to intervene with ransom money because yes, it does set a precedence. However, I want you to imagine for a moment that the person who is being held (with a death sentence if you don’t perform) is either your mother, father, sister, brother, wife or even your child. Would you still not want help from your fellow humans in securing their release?
I think its shocking that these people are still in captivity…. surely this is what we pay the SAS and SBS for?? Time to take the leash off and let the dogs loose to find these people and prove that Britons ANYWHERE are not to be messed with …. it worked for the romans !!
I think its way past time that the SAS go in. Its all these thugs understand
To Admin as harsh as this sounds I have to agree entirely with Tim. Unfortunately there are some decisions that have to be made with a cold emotional detatchment. For example a paramedic at an accident scene has to make a decision as to who they believe has the best chance of survival, they cannot allow emotions to cloud their better judgement. Here I believe the same principal is at work; someone has to choose the safety of all future travellers near hostile waters over those of two innocent Britons. That said if it were my loved ones I would be finding it very hard to accept that. I can only hope I shall never have to make such difficult decisions. All the best and I shall continue to keep them in my thoughts.
I agree with Tim’s assessment of the situation.
The administrator makes a valid point, though. It is exceedingly difficult to sit back when it is someone dear to you, a close relative or a friend. It would be a natural instinct to want to raise the money to have them freed. That, however, does not make it a wise move, or one that is to the benefit of all those affected by piracy. Just because there is a strong desire to pay does not make it the wisest course of action.
“Terrorists” is a good descriptor. These criminals use brinkmanship negotiations to try to wend their way into souls, threatening to kill by a deadline, then moving the deadline. They portray that the Chandler’s lives are meaningless to them. They use threats of further violence to try to hasten payment.
I do not support terrorists. I would much rather put myself on the ground in Somalia to try to secure their release through other means than to fund the next act of terrorism by these greedy people.
Oh and aye neither of the boys do it for money rob!
keep talking to the elders of the place and try to plea their frail state of miand and also get the sas on the case and keep plea bargaining with their attackers to let them free the english goverment should do more to help them get home why could they not sell the yaht that they hyjacked thats worth money// please every one keep them in mind they need every ones supprt
This isnt about the money – the British, governments or wealthy individuals simply cannot afford to be seen to give in to these people.
They are illiterate peasants, with nothing to lose. They have guns, drugs and (sadly, like most Africans) laughably unrealistic ideas about the Wazungu (Europeans).
I’ve recently returned from Kenya and Somali pirates are destabilising the whole of the Indian Ocean coastline, they are active as far south as Mozambique. Many UK nationals and other westerners are STILL sailing in the waters there. They must be made aware of the dangers.
Most kidnappings never even reach the international press they happen so frequently.
I think the only hope for the Chandlers now is with the intelligence services, and possible SAS action, which is surely being considered behind the scenes, but the government cant discuss. It’s happened before in Africa to secure the release of captive Britons.
Let some well-known person offer to be the figurehead and some of us ordinary people will happily give £1,000 each to start the ball rolling. I think we’d have a million in no time. The kidnappers can then choose a Consulate they trust, take the Chandlers there and collect the money. Even a ‘political figure’ could do it – become famous in the nicest way conceivable!
This is a catch-22. Too much press is as bad as not enough!
Gee whizz, save me from Louise – give me some drugs and guns… Europeans with their laughable ideas of Africans – not least that the “Africans” speak one common language and hence refer to all europeans/whites as “wazungu”. As for UK nationals being made aware… well, exactly whose responsibility should that be? Perhaps the people going there? I feel so sorry for the Chandlers, not least if they have people as broad minded as you fighting on their behalf. Oh and the SAS/SBS and British intelligence = Joke. The Chandlers should have been French, maybe then someone might have actually had the guts to use force
“They are illiterate peasants, with nothing to lose. They have guns, drugs and (sadly, like most Africans) laughably unrealistic ideas about the Wazungu (Europeans).”
Give them the money, get the Chandlers free and safe and then go back in and get rid of all these pirates/gangsters – and try and recover the money too. A simplistic approach but it’s the one I’d go for.
I agree exactly with Liz. Pay the ransom, get the Chandlers free and to safety then send in our Harriers and the Royal Marines to kill the kidnappers and recover the money to send a message to any more would be pirates. Simply not negotiating with kidnappers does no good in preventing kidnap in the first place. They need to be shown what will happen to them if they kidnap our citizens. If Somalia refuses to enforce the law of the land then we should go in and do it for them. The first duty of government is to protect their citizens. They should give that a go for a change instead of attacking people who pose no threat to our country.
I hope you are released soon Paul and Rachel
I have just watched the video of the Chandlers saying their message to David Cameron. I think we should all work together to write a letter to the prime minister personally or possible the queen. And ask them how would they feel if someone in their family was taken hostage. I am not a Chandler but feel that something has to be done ASAP. It is heart breaking. PLease reply
Contact the owners/governments of commercial vessels still being held hostage. Ask their owners/governments to think of the Chandlers as part of their own crew and negotiate a price for the ship + crew + Chandlers. One snag – a big one – is that the crew of the hostage vessel and the Chandlers would probably be being held by different sets of gangsters. Can anyone see a way round that?
If everything would be so easy as to pay x-amount of money and presto, problem solved, then we would be living in Utopia. The harsh reality of the world we live in is that it hardly ever is the solution to any and all of our problems. If we could solve poverty, hunger, violence, etc. with money, we would have done so decades ago. So what am I saying? Do not pay the ransom. Ransom payed they no longer have to care for food and lodgings of their ‘guests’. So a vacancy sign is posted in the heads of these ‘peasants’. What will you think they will venture out to do next? Use the ransom money to farm the earth, raise crops, grow beautifull flowers and live in peace and harmony with all the creatures on this beautifull planet of ours? They will kidnap again any unfortunate western traveler they can get their hands on. And now they have the means and funds to operate even further and with more modern tech at their disposal. Paying Ransom, will create an industry that will further bring instability to an ever expanding ink stain in this part of the world.
So, okay no money. What will it take? What’s the answer to most of our problems? A brutal unrelenting will to really solve ‘the problem’. It requires a critical look at what goes in and out of this region. Human and material traffic aswell as ideological-religous import and export. Political will to ‘make a change’ is what the big players in this region lack in abundance; China and Russia, Arms for natural resources; leaving the rest of us to pay for humanitary aid via the UN. Japan for their floating fishing plants that ravage the coastal waters of eastern Africa, putting Somali fisherman on the pirate trail in the first place. The Muslim world for not taking any responsibility on their part for the ungodly stories that take place in this region.(the focus is always Israel and the Filistines, there’s scores of people dying due to extremist violence every day not to mention how many people died in Darfur, but they always blindly focus on genocide commited by Israel and the poor Palestinian people that supposedly die like flies in Gaza and Westbank) And ofcourse the UN. For not taking the lead to show everyone involved the exit to a stable Eastern Africa. BTW, my best guess is SAS or MI6 already have boots on the ground or eyes in the sky searching for the wereabouts of the Chandlers.(Submarine of the coast listening in on chatter, operatives in Kenya on stand-by) A hefty ransom in turn for information leading to the liberation of the Chandlers would be very effective imo. That’s also sending a message to Pirates. It still would be a delicate and high-risk operation to secure the Chandlers. But, if succesfull it would not be encouraging the Pirates and any who fancy making obscene amounts of money by trading westerners for ransom. My solution? Offer a means of escape for informants, send out the word, save passage for you and your immediate next of kin to any commonwealth country with added bonus a finders extraction fee when and if the Chandlers are in good health standing on British soil. Make our notorious wealth and high standard of living work for the Chandlers. And if this works, well I happily stand corrected on my theory that money never solves anything. It’s probably how you use that money, be smart about who your giving it too. Fix bayonets maybe the only viable solution however I fear to bringing them home alive. There will be blood in the end, I hope it’s not theirs. The best of luck to all involved. Hope we get good news soon.
SAS is the only way
Get good intelegence then get our boys in with gliders.
Soprise the bastards free the chandlers, take as many hostages as possible and try them in the Internation court.
British Gov is not going to be black mailed.
However some thing must be done to stop Piracy, Why dont an international force occupie the coastal regions of Somalie, and make some examples of the bad guys.
As for ship owners giving money for ransom for two indivisuals. I cant see this happening.
i think these bloody bastards should get a life. wondering around with guns scaring the hell out of people, who do they think we are. I am writing a letter to the PRIME MINSTER and thats that. I will ask him questions and then approach him with the think I will ask ‘FREE THE CHANDLERs’ (in the nicest way possible) he will then feel quilty and hopefully negotiate with parliament. then we will send HMS northumberland in and surround somalia. contact the police and army and maybe take as many hostages as possible. if you would like to be at the end of the letter , email me with some ideas of what else to do to approach this appaling and devastating disaster.
Email: [email protected]
“I think its shocking that these people are still in captivity…. surely this is what we pay the SAS and SBS for?? Time to take the leash off and let the dogs loose to find these people and prove that Britons ANYWHERE are not to be messed with …. it worked for the romans !!”
This is what Rob said, back up the Thread a ways and I totally agree.
I cant believe this situation has been going for so very long, those poor people.
Here’s the thing I dont understand, the government cant pay the ransom. That makes perfect sense, but they’ve blocked attempts of privately raised money being paid over too ? How can they do that when surey that’s exactly what the Shipping insurers are doing all the time, every time a merchant ship or Tanker is taken, after a few months of negociation huge sacks containing millions of dollars are air dropped to the pirates ? If the government cant stop that practice then how can they block a private collection for the release of the Chandlers ? It’s my understanding that the K&R people had negociated their release down as low as 100k at one point ? With around 1500 ships a year passing through the Suez canal on through the Gulf of Aden and around 50 ships a year being taken by Somali Pirates with easy payouts of 3-10 million dollars being rutinely paid out then sadly our government blocking a relatively tiny payment for the Chandlers really wont have much effect on this ongoing problem. Something has to be done, there’s a time and a place for coalition forces and this is one of them ! There are plenty of wishy washy reasons for our troops to be in Afganistan but not a single concrete one, so why are we there when there is a real and easily defined situation with these pirates in Somalia, yet we turn a blind eye to it ? Our global economy is effected partly by the cost of shipping around the Horn of Africa and Shipping companies are now paying out small fortunes in added insurence and private security companies ! It nuts isn’t it that these Pirates can prowl around the indian ocean plucking Merchant ships out of transit like packs of Hyenas taking down a mighty Wildebeest ?
Pay for the Chandlers, put security on all merchant ships along the irtc and send in coalition forces to root out the Warlords… Coupled with paying Somali coastguard handsomely to patrol the hotspots along the coast ( ok, they’d mostly be made up of pirates, but they’d be paid far more than their punitive share from boarding a capturing a ship?).
These are just my thoughts, they may or may not work but I’m sure if enough people put their heads together then this situation could be quelled ?
I knew Paul & Rachel when they first got together more than 25 years ago – they are truly delightful, gentle people and I am horrified at the FCO’s recently overriding a kind gentleman’s offer to pay a considerable amount of money in order to free them – I almost entirely agree with toby’s comments.
I await my lottery win with eager anticipation and nothing the cruel b******s at the FCO would do could stop me getting them out. AND THAT’S A PROMISE.
Can’t someone set up a donation website for the hostage fee, yes this might be interpreted as feeding their activities; however, the people who have taken them would set them free and activities could be undertaken to advise other people how to prevent falling into the hands of pirates. I don’t think a moral victory is a just reason for their continued captivity. I would donate all I could afford.
I think the joint international ventures patrolling the Somali region is a joke if you can’t even shoot at those who are equipped with arms and trying to abduct people or highjack ships. This is exactly where we have to adopt a different strategy by making a law which can work effectively.
The region should be declared under curfew and whoever crosses the international waters without a permit & armed with weapons should be blown off without asking questions. It’s OK f you don’t want to go into Somalia and start fighting these rats. Americans once tried it and failed. I can understand if you don’t want to see too many civilians getting killed. But any small boat which crosses the international waters should be dealt with as potential pirates and should be eliminated without any European courts getting involved. Law is good as long as you deal with terrorists who are afraid of dying or scared of any punishment. But if anyone comes to harm another person knowing that he puts his life at risk should not be spared. Take Sri Lanka as an example. They wiped out a 30 year old terrorism fighting the most feared and the biggest terrorist organisation of the world very successfully! How did they do it? They just ignored the “the law” which protect the suicidal culture of the Terrorists. The result is now anyone can travel in busses trains or go to market places in Sri Lanka without having this fear in mind “is there a bomb here somewhere?”
These people do not think as we do; they are now mind blinded by their greed, multiple successes and fundamentalist religious beliefs. Neither are they afraid nor will they be intimidated and if they die in their cause they see it as honourable so you have a tough adversary. Currently they see themselves as invincible.
The British Gvt cannot enter into open payments for ransom as it would open the floodgates; nor can they afford the political fallout that would emanate from the Islamic world following any military action. Just look at what the Gvt didn’t do for the Brits caught up in Saudi in 2004/5 as an example or the joint ops of the early 90’s in Mogadishu? Sadly, politics, oil and Arab/Islamic investment in London has tied our Gvt’s hands. However, every such group has an Achilles heel; a weakness, which may be a need or a local pressure point – its just a case of finding it. Terrible as this story is and their suffering, realism calls for a pragmatic approach reconising that this will be a long haul and it will require some “outside-the-box” thinking to find a solution. The pen may be mighter than the sword on this one. Who is negotiating this case on the Chandlers behalf?
Jessica, I suggest you re-read what this site is about. It appears you may have overlooked the fact that this is exactly what your first sentence suggests.
My sympathies, of course, to the family and friends of these unfortunate people.
I searched for news of this as I had not heard anything for a while, and would like to hear that they are safe and well (and ideally, free).
But the sad reality is that, although giving a sack of cash to these people could free the Chandler’s, it would NOT make the general situation in the area safer. It would only serve to make it worse. The very reason that this continues to happen (and it happens a lot) is that many nations DO give in, and continue to give vast amounts of money to these ‘pirates’. And that makes it worth their while to continue to do it.
If nobody ever paid them ransom money, they would soon give up.
It’s the fact that they know that people WILL give them money that inspires them to continue.
But yes, if it were members of my own family there, then I would probably be trying to find a pile of cash, and not be too concerned about the rest of mankind!
Use ‘Q’ ships to tempt the pirates to attack, any surviving pirates should be hanged at sea.No negotiations,no Show trials.
‘Q’ ship is an outwardly ‘normal’ cargo ship, infact is a military crewed navy ship, fully armed.
Until they are afraid to attack cargo ships they will carry on.
Have you thought of getting Al Jazeera news involved, I watched an interesting interview with a muslim leader who was gaining ground and popularity in Somalia. Maybe Al Jazeera can put up a small reward for an exclusive and use their contacts. It would be a very good way for both parties involved in the release to gain a lot of support from the west. Also monies obtained from the exclusive being sold on to other TV channels could be far in excess of any ransome paid. It costs money to feed and guard hostages, it may be time for the gang to let go and save face.